Saturday, March 19, 2011

Getting Closer!

What Up Everyone?!

It has been awhile since my last post so heres just a heads up on whats been going on.

Some things changed in terms of roommates but I have everything figured out and set to go now. I think the way things worked themselves out is for the best for everyone. My roommate and I have already done the matching system and are set to go for when we arrive. We also found 2 other guys who are awesome and going to be living with us. So there will be 4 of us total, and we are shooting for a 2 bedroom in Chatham. The four of us get along really well and have had some hilarious Skype and ooVoo sessions haha. It's gonna be a blast!

There is only like 56 days until I leave for Florida! It's really crazy how fast time flies sometimes, yet the wait is still pretty bad lol. I just wanna be there already! It was 70 in CT yesterday, and today it's 40 again...not cool. I am ready for warm weather and some Disney Magic!

I think that is pretty much it for is school and graduation can't get here fast enough. Oh I had my spring break which was laid back and relaxed but fun. I went home and saw some friends, went to 2 Celtics games, and worked for some extra cash. It was also my last day at work...possibly ever! That's exciting to me lol.

Alright that's it for now...I'll post a packing blog once it gets closer to that time but for now, there is not much to do besides wait.

Blog fourteen in the books.

Friday, February 18, 2011

So it was already official as of Feb. 4th, but look what finally came in the mail yesterday!! (Feb. 17th)

Beyond excited, May 14th (when I leave, check in 18th) needs to get here sooner!!

Blog thirteen in the books.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Travel, Roommate, Think Purple!!!

Hey Guys!

Just giving everyone who follows (thanks to those that do lol) an update. As I have already stated, I officially accepted and will be checking in on May 18th! I am sssooo excited and cannot believe that it is only 93 days until I check in. I am driving down, so me and my father are going to leave on May 14th (89 days!) and spend two days driving down from the arctic that is New Hampshire. We will probably stop somewhere in North Carolina for a brief overnight and then continue right on through to the promised land. My mom is going to fly down and meet us there with my grandmother (who lives in Florida like an hour from Disney) on Sunday the 15th. My dad and I will arrive late on the 15th. We are staying at the Pop Century Resort which I have never been to. I have stayed at the All-Star sports one and the movie one though. Arriving on the 15th will give me and my family two days to just relax and take care of any last minute shopping, paperwork, etc. I do have to file for residency when I get down there because I will have my car and it will need to be registered again in August. I am NOT driving all the way back to New Hampshire just to register my car, not happening. So hence the filing for residency. 

I already have a roommate picked out which I am very happy about. We want a two or three bedroom in Chatham, but would consider Patterson as a second option. Vista is not happening lol. Currently looking for possible apartment-mates. Nice chill guys who won't cause trouble and just like to have a good time. Neither of us party and will definitely not be hosting, but might go to a party here and there. I like all kinds of sports, mainly basketball though and love to play any kind of games. Love to watch movies and will absolutely be visiting the parks as much as possible lol!

I think that about does it for updates. Good luck to all of you still waiting and I see some people are beginning to get pended. Chins up, it is not that bad. You might end up getting really competitive roles and everything will be great! A lot of pended people get in, so stay positive!!!

Blog twelve in the books.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Officially Ballin'

Today at 1:46pm (eastern) I got an email, a monumental email that is, inviting me to Disney!!

I GOT ACCEPTED!!!! Fall Advantage 2011 as a Quick Service Food and Beverage Cast Member!!

QSFB was not my first choice, nor did I even get asked a single question about it during my interview, but I did check it off none the less. I am SSOOO stoked and excited!! I already accepted and check in on May 18th, 2011!

Good luck to everyone still waiting!
To those who already heard, Congrats! See ya down there :)

Blog eleven (the best blog so far) in the books.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Passing time....

This wait is pure torture! Tomorrow marks my TWO week mark of waiting for a response from Disney. I had my phone interview on Jan. 20th. The hardest part about the wait is that others began getting accepted into the program! So congrats to all that heard back already, not jealous at all....

From what I understand there is absolutely no rhyme or reason to the acceptance emails going out. Most of come between 3 and 530pm but that could just be coincidence. I think so far the majority have been females from what facebook has shown. (shout-out to the lone guy, Danny lol). I have been obsessively checking my email the past few days, basically since the first person found out. I have had dreams about the letter/email. This wait is unhealthy and needs to come to an end lol. Hopefully a lot more people start getting emails in the next few days! 

Blog ten in the books.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

One Week

Today marks one week passing since I did my phone interview. Hopefully that means anywhere between today and 2 to 3 more weeks, my folder will come, or my email will come. This wait is miserable. Since I go to school in Connecticut, we have had three snow days in the past week and a half. Its crazy how much snow we have, legit 4 feet right now easily. This however does a poor job of distracting me from the wait lol. I am constantly on my computer and stuck in my house so therefore all I am doing is checking my email and the groups and all that jazz. Yay my life ha. 

Blog nine in the books.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Now we play the dreaded waiting game....

Greeting once again fellow bloggers!

Last night at exactly 10pm (quite impressive actually), I had my phone interview for the Walt Disney World College Program. I was obviously very nervous but excited and prepared at the same time. I had 7 (seven!) pages of notes laid out in front of me on my bed. However, I do this thing where I pace back and forth non-stop when I am nervous so the amount of times where I actually stopped to look at those papers was very minimal. I had most of what I wanted to say memorized anyways!

My recruiter's name was Brandon and he was extremely nice. He was friendly and easy to understand and talk to. He asked me a lot about my past work experience and what attributes went with the skills I possessed. For example, I was a cashier so I have experience handling money and stuff like that. I think my versatility helped a lot with this because I am trained in 5 different departments at my job! He then asked me my top 4 roles (attractions, merch, character attendant, and bell service) and why I wanted each one. Following that was a specific question about each of those but none of those "stinger" questions like the kid being too short or someone kicking good ol' Mickey. So that was a relief. He asked me about being a team player or working solo, about the rate of pay, about the Disney look, and about the living situations. The hardest question he asked me was what I would do make a guest's day right off the bat if I was in Main Entrance Opps for example. That one was rather difficult but I think I gave a good answer. The first question he asked though was obviously why I wanted to work for Disney. Overall I think it went really well. I was confident leaving the interview and got just about everything said that I wanted to. Now I just have to wait the three to four weeks for that purple folder! I kinda want this pretty bad....(sarcasm, I'm buggin out!)

Good luck to everyone and just be calm and confident!

Blog eight in the books.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I just took the web-based interview and.....PASSED! Im freaking out a little. I called and scheduled my phone interview and it is tomorrow night (Jan 20) at 10pm. Good luck to everyone who is applying! The web interview is not that bad at all. Just remember to be consistent and be honest. It took me about 20 minutes I think.

Blog seven in the books.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

College, Pats, 4 Days!!

Hey Everyone!

It's been a few days since my last blog so here's an update on everything that is exciting...a.k.a. my life.

I got back to UConn today because we start classes on Tuesday (18th). It is officially the start of my last semester at college (insert sad/happy/indifferent face here). I will miss being at college but I am excited to graduate and move on to bigger and better things (Disney). I will miss the friends, the opportunities, and the independence but I will not miss a lot of things as well lol. Classes can be fun sometimes, depending on the subject, teacher, peers, etc. I have been through some ups and downs in college with transferring and friends and learning a lot about myself. I can honestly say I came into freshman year not knowing who I was or what I was capable of. I went all out freshman year with partying and living up my freedom. I found out about half way through sophomore year that the person I was portraying was not me. I was doing all that in order to fit in. Now that I am graduating at the end of this semester, I am the most in tune with myself than I have ever been before. I am not afraid to be myself anymore and there is no longer a need to fit in because I wasn't even crazy about what I was trying to fit into. Always be yourself, it's the only person that someone can truly be all the time. 

In other news, the Patriots just lost :(! Horrible evening if you ask me. They played pretty bad. The Jets had a great game plan and the best offense in the league was held under wraps. Still got the Celtics and Bruins to root for!

WDWCP apps come out in 4 days!!!!!!! I am so excited and so nervous at the same time. I hope everyone that I have talked to and come to know a little bit about, gets in because it would be amazing if we all got accepted. I know that some of us won't and that is scary but good luck to everyone! I have not been all that active in toxbox or skype chats because I am not crazy about video chatting but I have still come to know a few of you. Reading all the sappy (yet heartfelt and endearing) blogs about people's D-fam kinda makes me wish I got more involved with the video chatting. SO if I get accepted I will be looking to video chat way more often! Anybody got any room in the D-fam for me?

Blog six in the books.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I figured today would be a great day to update this thing since I will not be leaving my house anytime for real....maybe not even tomorrow. In preparation for this blizzard I went out and bought some entertainment at Wal Mart last night. The following purchases were made: The Black Cauldron, Toy Story, and The Great Mouse Detective. Also having gotten The Lion King for Christmas, today could actually turn out to be a phenomenal day. 

I also just finished typing up all the roles I am going to check off and why I want them/would be good at them. They include: Attractions, Concierge, Merchandise, Hospitality, Character Attendant, and Main Entrance Operations. I included the roles that I do not think would be a good fit for me and why as well. Having typed out everything is really helpful and will be very useful when interviewing (if I make it that far lol). I also typed out some possible interview questions and how I would answer them. The tricky part is remembering what I want to say though because you cannot simply read off a sheet when they ask you questions because that is lame and they will know. 

I emailed the recruiting office last night because I had a question about the browser needed to apply for the program. It turns out, according to the email I received, you need to use Internet Explorer for the initial application (like name, school, birthday and stuff). Once that application is completed, you can use any browser to complete the web-based interview. So this means I will be borrowing a friends laptop for the application, then returning to my glorious Macbook for the dreaded web-based interview. 8 days!

In other exciting news in my life, I just got back from my first ever trip to Canada. My dad and I went to Montreal for a night to see the Bruins play the Canadiens. It was sick...the city is really nice and awkwardly clean! There is seriously like zero trash on the streets and literally everything is underground. You go into a little department store and it opens up into an underground mall. We went in a store and just kept going down. When we exited, we were three streets over from where we went in lol!

Blog five in the books.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Tag Game!

Hey everyone!

So I thought that I would start a new blog-tag game since I don't have much else to talk about at the moment. All I have been doing is working and who wants to hear about that?....exactly.

Alright, the new game is that everyone has to share a really embarrassing moment that has happened in their lives! It will be fun and hopefully it can provide some laughs :P

My embarrassing moment that I am choosing to share takes place back when I was graduating 5th grade. This was a big deal in my school because it meant moving on to a different school, the middle school. Naturally there was this big ceremony thing in which we got called up and handed diplomas and all that fun stuff. It took place in our huge high school auditorium, pretty intimidating for a little 5th-6th grader! 

Anyways, we all had to dress up so I had on nice pants and a button down shirt with these brand new dress shoes that looked great, but weren't the most comfortable in the world. These shoes would be the end of me. The stage was lined with balloons and banners congratulating all of us youngens for being so awesome and passing 5th grade. My name gets called. I proceed to walk up the stairs on to the stage in order to receive my diploma and shake the principles hand when.....boom, I trip UP the stairs because of my new awesome shoes. I fall forwards, onto my hands...popping two balloons in the process! What a noise that made! It was miserable. Everybody laughed and people just kept talking about it. The worst part? Having to stand on that stage facing the audience after my little performance while the whole rest of the fifth grade gets called out one at a time. My name is near the beginning of the alphabet. It was a glorious days in which, thanks to my parents, I will never forget.

Alright I am tagging Chip Langlois and Amanda Quintal! :)

Blog four in the books

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year Everyone!

Hopefully this year brings an acceptance letter to the Disney College Program....apps come out SO SOON! This means that it is just about time to officially start gathering all my information that I will need and organize is so that it is easily accessible when needed. I know my top roles are attractions, merchandise, main entrance, concierge, and character attendant. I have zero desire for QSFB because I already work in a deli preparing food so I want something different. I would greatly discourage custodial because I do not deal with blood or vomit or anything of the sort very well. Weak stomach :/ and lastly, I cannot do lifeguard because of my tattoo. However, I could be persuaded into QSFB if it depends on me being accepted or not since this is literally the only time I can apply because I graduate in May! Crazy, I know. 

That being said, I need to start writing out my reasons for wanting to do the program and why I would be a good candidate and all that jazz because the 20th (assuming apps come out then) is gonna be here before we know it. 

Side note: I just bought two new books to hold me over until apps and then while I'm waiting for the infamous purple folder. I have already read Mousecatraz so I just got: The Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World, and also Walt Disney, An American Original which is basically his life story. Anybody read any of these?

Blog three in the books